Property Rights Major Publications
Submission to inquiry into the Mineral Resource Rent Tax Bill 2011 and related bills
December 2011
The Australian mining sector has long played a vital role in the development of the nation. Longstanding stability in terms of political risk and taxation and, though this has never been realised, regulatory arrangements, have allowed the sector in Australia to capitalise on demand for minerals and petroleum and to spawn businesses and experts that are world leaders
Regulation of infrastructure
First published 2007
This volume has sprung from concerns about the Access Provisions (Part IIIA) of the Trade Practices Act. It comprises two pieces of research, which analyse these provisions from a legal and an economic perspective. Part IIIA of the Trade Practices Act resulted from a perception in the 1990’s that the Trade Practices Act was not capable of dealing effectively with competition
Regulatory Access To Facilities: Commentaraies On Issues Requiring Re-Assessment Of The Trade Practices Act
May 2007
Australia has benefited from competition reforms that have opened up previously closed sectors of the economy, especially in areas where government owned monopolies were prevalent. Owners of natural monopoly facilities are required, under provisions of the Trade Practices Act particularly Part IIIA, to allow access to them on terms that are fair and cost-reflective.
Lessons we can draw from Mad Max
IPA Review, 2006
Mad Max and its sequels are some of the most popular films ever set in Australia. While its central theme showed a brooding Mel Gibson making his way in a post-nuclear holocaust world, a sub-theme was the primitive island of brutal civilisation, Bartertown, governed by Tina Turner.
The Chinese capitalist miracle
IPA Review Article
he Chinese economic miracle is the latest and most comprehensive success story since the end of World War II. Veteran economists Ronald Coase and Ning Wang explain how in the space of three decades one of the world's poorest countries became the world's leading manufacturer and investor.
Trade Laws and Pharmaceuticals
IPA Review, December 2001
TRADE-RELATED ASPECTS OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS (TRIPS) While 11 September generally marked a loss of innocence of the Elysian Western world, one threatening upshot has had little recognition. This was the US Government’s forcing down the price of Cipro, Bayer’s anti-anthrax drug.