Climate abatement costs and the future of coordinated international action
For an extract from the book click here
Climate Change: Treaties and Policies in the Trump Era, is an examination of:
• The setting of the climate change agenda
• Its position in the international arena where nations have agreed to treaties and agreements that have increasingly placed pressures on governments to take actions in conformance with their provisions
• The developments leading to the 2015 Paris agreement on climate change, which incorporated governments’ “Intended Nationally Determined Contributions” (INDCs) on abatement of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases
• The costs nations are actually and prospectively incurring in meeting their INDCs and in other measures designed to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions
• President Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris agreement and other nations’ responses.
The book foreshadows the collapse of the Paris agreement and gradual, if not abrupt, dismantling of the costly measures it entails – primarily involving forcing consumers to subsidise wind and solar energy.

Restraint of land use causes excessive house prices.

Edited by Alan Moran, chapters by world experts
in science, politics and economics.

An anthology of chapters by experts :
Alan Moran
Judith Sloan
Steve Kates
James Allan
Read chapter 8 by Alan Moran here

Entrepeneurial infrastructure creation is seriously inhibited when competition authorities force the owners to share access