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Gas and Electricity - Major Publications

Inquiry into Australia's transition to a green energy superpower

Submitted 22 November 2022

The inquiry seeks advice on how Australia can “transition to a green energy superpower”.

The Australian Environment Foundation notes multiple failures where industries designated by governments as being highly prospective have received favourable treatment from tariffs or support through financial assistance. None have succeeded. 

Current trends and perspectives in Australia

Chapter 22 in Local Electricity Markets, Editors: Tiago Pinto, Zita Vale, Steve Widergren, published by Elsevier 2021

There are several different dimensions of energy policy: • exploration and development of coal, gas, petroleum and uranium resources; • export policies; and • policies concerning the transformation delivery and sale of these and other energy sources (principally hydro, wind and solar). It is this third facet that is the prime concern of this chapter.

Renewable subsidies: destroyers of low cost electricity supplies

September 2018 conference: The Basic Science of a Changing Climate held in Porto

Renewable energy and its replacement of conventional electricity supplies ​ In meeting targets agreed at the 2002 Kyoto Convention, the precursor to the Paris Agreement, Australia, by preventing land clearance, reduced emissions by 100 million tonnes a year of CO2 equivalent. Comprising almost 20 per cent of total emissions, this reduction allowed Australia to claim that there had been a negligible increase over the period 1990-2012, 

National Energy Guarantee​

Submission from the AEF, 6 July 2018

Summary Government policies, largely involving renewable subsidies, have caused Australian electricity costs and prices to escalate and to become among the highest in the world. The NEG shifts the basis of the deleterious subsidy regime to become an emissions intensity scheme or carbon tax. Though ostensibly responsive to the Paris Agreement, the NEG is actually an industry policy proposal designed further to shift

The Finkel Report’s Recommendations on the Future Security of the National Electricity Market: Impacts on the Australian Economy and Australian Consumers

30 June 2017

Government actions have brought about vast increases in Australia’s electricity prices. They have done so by distorting the market through subsidies to wind and solar and by introducing measures prejudicial to cheaper and more reliable coal and gas based electricity.

Submission to the Independent Review into the Future Security of the National Electricity Market

28 January 2017

The report canvassed different options, but of the seven themes identified as showing a future path, only one of these ”Prices have risen substantially in the past five years” can be said unambiguously to be true. Most of the others are palpably false and even the one correct theme is not necessarily a guide to the future unless the policies that have been pursued over the past 16 years continue to be kept in place

Submission to Senate on Windfarms - Supplementary evidence

Submitted to Senate Committee, 12 January 2015

Response to written questions on notice for Dr Alan Moran – Regulation Economics from Senator Anne Urquhart 1. In your testimony, you said that work done on fossil fuel subsidies by Treasury has indicated any subsidies are trivial (Hansard, p.24). Can you direct the committee to this work? The following reference to an OECD review that Treasury oversights shows no support ....

Submission to Senate Committee on Windfarms

Submitted to Senate Committee, 12 January 2015

Introduction and Summary: I confine my remarks to the first of the terms of reference, that which addresses the economic effects of windfarms. These effects work through higher electricity prices and through taxes paid to subsidise windpower’s intrinsically high cost

Submission to Senate on Windfarms - Transcript of hearing

Transcript of hearing - 2015

MORAN, Dr Alan John, Chief Executive Officer, Regulation Economics [10:42] Evidence was taken via teleconference— CHAIR: I welcome Dr Alan Moran from Regulation Economics via teleconference. Could you please confirm that the information on parliamentary privilege and the protection of witnesses and evidence has been provided to you. Dr Moran: Yes, it has. CHAIR: The committee has your submission. I now invite you to .......

Submission to the Renewable Energy Target Review Panel

May 2014

Renewable energy in the form of wind and solar, the two major subsidised supply types, remains non- commercial, at threefold the cost of electricity sourced from coal.

Efficiency of Different Electricity Jurisdictions’ Residential Supply

November 2013

Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s Review of Retail Electricity Market Trends

Book chapter: Evolution of Australia’s National Electricity Market

Book chapter by Alan Moran and Rajat Sood, Book edited by F. P. Sioshansi, 2013

Book Title: Evolution of Global Electricity Markets

Submission to the Expert Advisers on the National Energy Consumer Advocacy Panel: Proposal for a National Energy Consumer Advocacy Body

April, 2013

Ministers at the Council of Australian Governments meeting on 7 December 2012 sought a paper at which would examine the regulations under which the Consumer Advocacy Panel “allocates grants to ensure it continues to operate in the interests of energy consumers”. The consultants commissioned to address the issue have published an interim report. This expands the scope and size of the proposal as initially envisaged. 

Book Chapter: Is it possible to have it both ways?

Book edited by F.P.Sioshansi, Published by Butterworth Heinemann, 2011

Book Title: Energy, Sustainability and the Environment

Book Chapter: Stabilizing World CO2 Emissions: A Bridge Too Far?

Book edited by F.P. Sioshansi, Published 2009

Book Title: Generating electricity in a carbon constrained world

Current trends and perspectives in Australia

Chapter 22 in Local Electricity Markets, Editors: Tiago Pinto, Zita Vale, Steve Widergren, published by Elsevier 2021

There are several different dimensions of energy policy: • exploration and development of coal, gas, petroleum and uranium resources; • export policies; and • policies concerning the transformation delivery and sale of these and other energy sources (principally hydro, wind and solar). It is this third facet that is the prime concern of this chapter.

The Emergence of Australia's Electricity Market

Int. J. Global Energy Issues, Vol. 29, Nos. 1 2, 2008

The Australian energy market has developed in response to two sets of government decisions. The first was a policy of the Victorian Government to sell its state-owned electricity supply system and to do so in a way that introduced competition wherever this was possible. At the same time, the Commonwealth (federal) Government had determined on a course of introducing competitive provision of electricity, without any commitment to privatisation. 

Book chapter: Resource Adequacy and Efficient Infrastructure Investment

Book Chapter by Alan Moran & Ben Skinner, Book Edited by F P. Sioshansi, 2008

Book Title: Competitive Electricity Markets: Design, Implementation, Performance

Driving investment in Renewable energy in Victoria

Energy Issues Paper 40, February 2006

RegulatoRy SubSidieS to Renewable eneRgy in Victoria a submission to the Victorian government’s issues pape

Drinking from the bottomless well

IPA Review, December 2005

Alan Moran reviews The Bottomless Well: The Twilight of Fuel, the Virtue of Waste, And why we will never run out of energy By Peter W. Huber & Mark P Mills. (Basic Books, 2005, 215 pages)

Cross-ownership Rules for the Energy Sector:

March 2005, Energy Issues Paper Number 36

Submission to the Victorian Department of Infrastructure

Economic and Environmental Potential of Energy Efficiency Regulations

November 2004, Energy Issues Paper Number 33

Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Energy Efficiency

Gas Pipeline Access and Pricing: The Productivity Commission’s Incomplete Agenda

Energy Issues Paper Number 32, August 2004

The Productivity Commission Report on the gas access regime

Competition Benefits from Electricity Interconnectors

April 2004 Energy Issues Paper Number 30

Submission to the ACCC’s Review of the Regulatory Test for Network Augmentation

The Financial Costs and Benefits of Privatisation

Energy Issues Paper No. 25 July 2002

The vigorous process of privatisation which the Kennett Government embarked upon following its election in 1992 radically transformed the Victorian economy. Following many years during which the State was among Australia’s worst performers with low income growth and fiscal mismanagement, the post 1992 period saw it converted to enjoy rapid growth and a sound budgetary position.

Energy Market Review

Energy Issues Paper No. 23 April 2002

Submission to the COAG

Generator Market Power and Bidding Rules in Wholesale Markets


Address to the Conference: Energy Regulation and the Role of the Regulators

A Brief Analysis of the Benefits of Privatising Victoria’s Electricity Industry


This paper considers the economic impact of the privatisation of the electricity industry in Victoria. The changes in the Victorian electricity sector have led to increased productivity of capital and labour, improved system reliability, freed up public capital, reduced public debt and reduced final prices. This paper commences with descriptions and evidence of these benefits and then provides a summary of retail electricity prices over the past decade.

Funding End-User Advocacy

Energy Issues Paper No.19, May 2001

Supplementary Submission To The Competition Principles Agreement Productivity Commission's Inquiry Into Clause 6 of the Competition Principles Agreement and Part IIIA of the Trade Practices Act 1974

Essential Services Commission: Response to Consultation Paper

Energy Issues Paper No. 17 September 2000

Submission to the Government on the Essential Services Commission

Firm Access Rights: The Key To Efficient Management Of Transmission

Energy Issues Paper No.12, June 1999

Submission To: The NECA Transmission Pricing Review

Can Coal Continue as the Primary Power Generation Source?

Address to National Summit on Power GenerationGold Coast 25 February 1999

Coal supplies over one quarter of the world’s primary energy, and over 46 per cent of that of Australia. Although oil is a more significant energy source worldwide, consumption of it and gas are less important to Australia.

Regulatory impact statement on the proposed domestic appliance and energy efficiency regulations


Prepared for the Office of the Chief Electrical Inspector

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