Water Major Publications
Australian Environment Foundation - Murray Darling Submission
Submission to the Select Committee on the Murray-Darling Basin Plan - 3 January 2016
Outside of the polar regions, there can be no areas of the earth that are untouched and unaltered by human presence. But some are valued particularly highly, for example national parks, especially those that are designated World Heritage for their natural features. Other valued areas involve considerable human modification – especially agricultural lands which have, by definition, been markedly modified. We gain considerable satisfaction
Water address in Melbourne May 2012
ust to demonstrate that even the most clear-thinking politicians get dazzled by the complexities of water supply, Andrew Robb once argued that, “If 30 per cent of Singapore relies on recycled water, something is wrong with Australia,” as we recycle virtually none.
Submission to Productivity Commission Inquiry into Australia’s Urban Water Sector
May 2011
Water, and its collection and use, has become a highly politicized issue. Its economics in terms of scarcity value for urban use is however straightforward. And the techniques for its collection and delivery are well established.